You may think your fat cat is so sweet and cute. Everyone who visits him thinks he's a cuddly doll. Animal obesity, like human obesity is becoming epidemic and it's not really a laughing matter. Your fat cat is vulnerable to so many risks and illnesses because he or she is obese and one of these is a disorder called 'cat fatty liver'.
It sounds kind of gross, or like something you might feed your pet but what it is really is an illness officially called Feline Hepatic Lipidosis. This condition afflicts fat cats and ironically causes them to stop eating. This happens because fat accumulates in the liver (more than the liver can handle) and the liver tries to burn the fat into usable energy. The condition becomes an illness when the fat build-up surpasses the cat's ability to turn it into energy and the liver begins to fail.
Signs that your fat cat may be suffering from cat fatty liver are, loss of appetite, and also jaundice, nausea and vomiting. Unfortunately the liver is a really hardy and resilient organ so symptoms don't always show up until a lot of damage has been done. Fortunately, once the cat has been diagnosed and treatments begun the liver, being such a hardy and resilient organ, will often be able to make a full recovery and even regenerate any lost tissue or function!
The whole experience of cat fatty liver is awful for the cat and the cat's parents (adopted of course!). So pet parents' no more funny fat cat. Here's how to get your cat back in condition either before it gets sick or after it has recovered.
* Feed your cat healthy (preferably homemade) natural food
* Supplement your cats diet as necessary so it has the energy to exercise
* Kick your cat off the couch and out the door - exercise may not come easily at first
* Offer water all the time
And finally, don't let your cat eat all day everyday. Put some food out in the morning and the evening and your cat will stay at a nice healthy weight. Good-bye funny fat cat, hello fit and fine, healthy cat! - 29953
It sounds kind of gross, or like something you might feed your pet but what it is really is an illness officially called Feline Hepatic Lipidosis. This condition afflicts fat cats and ironically causes them to stop eating. This happens because fat accumulates in the liver (more than the liver can handle) and the liver tries to burn the fat into usable energy. The condition becomes an illness when the fat build-up surpasses the cat's ability to turn it into energy and the liver begins to fail.
Signs that your fat cat may be suffering from cat fatty liver are, loss of appetite, and also jaundice, nausea and vomiting. Unfortunately the liver is a really hardy and resilient organ so symptoms don't always show up until a lot of damage has been done. Fortunately, once the cat has been diagnosed and treatments begun the liver, being such a hardy and resilient organ, will often be able to make a full recovery and even regenerate any lost tissue or function!
The whole experience of cat fatty liver is awful for the cat and the cat's parents (adopted of course!). So pet parents' no more funny fat cat. Here's how to get your cat back in condition either before it gets sick or after it has recovered.
* Feed your cat healthy (preferably homemade) natural food
* Supplement your cats diet as necessary so it has the energy to exercise
* Kick your cat off the couch and out the door - exercise may not come easily at first
* Offer water all the time
And finally, don't let your cat eat all day everyday. Put some food out in the morning and the evening and your cat will stay at a nice healthy weight. Good-bye funny fat cat, hello fit and fine, healthy cat! - 29953
About the Author:
Learn more about cat fatty liver. Stop by Kate's site where you can find out all about fatty cat liver disease and what you can do about it.