Deciding what kind of fish you want is just one of the first steps in setting up an aquarium. Your local pet store will offer a myriad of choices inside all those colorful tanks lined up on their wall. The question is, which to get?
If you are new to fish keeping, this can be an overwhelming task. But before you choose what particular fish you like, consider these three important questions. One, exactly how big can this fish get? Two, what quality of water does the fish require? And three, will the fish peacefully coexist with the others I want?
Some fish will stay small, say an inch or less. These are generally considered community fish. Many fishkeepers select a group of similar community fish to fill their tank. Good choices for tropical community fish include guppies, swordtails, Platies, and dwarf Gourami. When selecting these varieties, choose fish that are about the same size, and avoid mixing different varieties unless you have been advised that they will get along well together. Never purchase just one community fish; they are used to swimming in schools, and will get lonely in your aquarium. A good rule of thumb for this size of fish is one inch of fish for one gallon of aquarium water.
Most other species of fish will grow much larger, anywhere between six inches and several feet. With a few exceptions, these are best kept alone, as they will attack smaller or weaker fish. If you do select one of these larger species, you'll need an aquarium size to match. Keeping one of these species in a ten gallon tank is possible when they are very young, but you will need to upgrade eventually.
When buying your fish, it is best to immediately get the aquarium that would accommodate the adult size. Once you have chosen the specific species that you like, find out how big the fish are at adult size and get the correct size aquarium. The one gallon per inch rule of thumb for the much smaller community fish would not apply to these kinds of fish.
There are some types of fish that can thrive in almost any type or condition of water. The goldfish is the most popular of these varieties. They are recognized as almost invincible. They will no doubt continue to survive even with no aquarium lights or filters, but this is not exactly wise fishkeeping practice.
The slightly more picky tropical fish need a narrower water temperature range, as well as high-quality water. To achieve the water quality these fish need, test your water frequently, use a good filter on the aquarium, and consider products like the EcoBio-Block, which improves your aquarium water quality and reduces maintenance. Some fish need a specific pH, or have other water quality requirements. Be sure to do your research so that the fish you choose have similar water requirements.
The last category of fish is the saltwater or marine variety. They are much more difficult to take care of, and are not recommended until you have acquired more fish keeping skills and experience with freshwater fish. On top of the light, temperature and water quality requirements of these fish, you also have to monitor the salt content in the aquarium. Never mix the saltwater fish with the freshwater varieties.
And lastly, examine every fish closely before you buy them. Check that they have healthy bright eyes, intact tails and fins, no missing scales or injury of any kind. Observe if they have healthy appetites and a high level of activity. Choose only bright and healthy looking fish.
The fish you eventually choose for your aquarium will bring you many happy days of living nature experiences that are guaranteed to reduce your stress and give comfort and beauty to your home or office. - 29953
If you are new to fish keeping, this can be an overwhelming task. But before you choose what particular fish you like, consider these three important questions. One, exactly how big can this fish get? Two, what quality of water does the fish require? And three, will the fish peacefully coexist with the others I want?
Some fish will stay small, say an inch or less. These are generally considered community fish. Many fishkeepers select a group of similar community fish to fill their tank. Good choices for tropical community fish include guppies, swordtails, Platies, and dwarf Gourami. When selecting these varieties, choose fish that are about the same size, and avoid mixing different varieties unless you have been advised that they will get along well together. Never purchase just one community fish; they are used to swimming in schools, and will get lonely in your aquarium. A good rule of thumb for this size of fish is one inch of fish for one gallon of aquarium water.
Most other species of fish will grow much larger, anywhere between six inches and several feet. With a few exceptions, these are best kept alone, as they will attack smaller or weaker fish. If you do select one of these larger species, you'll need an aquarium size to match. Keeping one of these species in a ten gallon tank is possible when they are very young, but you will need to upgrade eventually.
When buying your fish, it is best to immediately get the aquarium that would accommodate the adult size. Once you have chosen the specific species that you like, find out how big the fish are at adult size and get the correct size aquarium. The one gallon per inch rule of thumb for the much smaller community fish would not apply to these kinds of fish.
There are some types of fish that can thrive in almost any type or condition of water. The goldfish is the most popular of these varieties. They are recognized as almost invincible. They will no doubt continue to survive even with no aquarium lights or filters, but this is not exactly wise fishkeeping practice.
The slightly more picky tropical fish need a narrower water temperature range, as well as high-quality water. To achieve the water quality these fish need, test your water frequently, use a good filter on the aquarium, and consider products like the EcoBio-Block, which improves your aquarium water quality and reduces maintenance. Some fish need a specific pH, or have other water quality requirements. Be sure to do your research so that the fish you choose have similar water requirements.
The last category of fish is the saltwater or marine variety. They are much more difficult to take care of, and are not recommended until you have acquired more fish keeping skills and experience with freshwater fish. On top of the light, temperature and water quality requirements of these fish, you also have to monitor the salt content in the aquarium. Never mix the saltwater fish with the freshwater varieties.
And lastly, examine every fish closely before you buy them. Check that they have healthy bright eyes, intact tails and fins, no missing scales or injury of any kind. Observe if they have healthy appetites and a high level of activity. Choose only bright and healthy looking fish.
The fish you eventually choose for your aquarium will bring you many happy days of living nature experiences that are guaranteed to reduce your stress and give comfort and beauty to your home or office. - 29953
About the Author:
Leonard Boyler has been keeping fish for more than two decades. His favorite products make aquarium care and maintenance so easy from start up to clearing up cloudy fish tanks. To find out more about keeping the water clear and having healthy fish, please visit