The days are getting chilly. Time to pull out the coats and sweaters and turn on the heater! Even though dogs come with their own coats, they could use extra warmth provided by a dog coat or sweater.
Dog lovers enjoy playing dress up with their small dogs. Smaller breeds of dogs have hair rather than fur and are susceptible to cold weather. They require the warmth that dog clothes offer if they are outdoors for any amount of time. Breeds such as: Silky Terriers, Chinese Crested Dogs, Yorkshire Terriers, Dachshunds and Maltese in fact benefit from sporting a dog sweater or coat. Tiny dogs prefer not to be exposed to the cold or rain and are most content warm and dry.
Medium sized dogs such as Welsh Corgis or Pugs have short hair, but have a more muscular build than small dogs. But I'm sure all would agree that a Welsh Corgi would look excellent in a stylish coat or jacket? Sometimes it is just about looking good! Even though Boxers are another breed that don't fare well in extreme temperatures despite their muscular build. Wouldn't a Boxer look swell wearing a Corduroy Dog Jacket?
Short haired breeds, like a Basenji, Greyhound, Italian Greyhound, Weimaraner and Vizsla have a slender build and require exercise outdoors. They do not handle severe cold weather very well. During cold days a barn jacket is effortless to Velcro around an active dog and helps to keep outdoor dogs toasty in colder weather. The Polyester helps ward off wind and water to maintain dryness and safety from the elements, while the fleece side captures body heat to supply warm comfort.
Some dog breeds don't require the warmth of a coat. For instance, the Alaskan Malamute has a thick and wooly base-coat that allows them to be exposed to the extreme cold weather without wearing protection. The Samoyed has a dual coat that contains a soft, thick undercoat with a harsh outer layer. In addition, cold temperature breeds have a tuft of hair around their neck for extra warmth.
Geriatric dogs need additional warmth in their elderly years. A dog coat lined with fleece will preserve an older dog's warmth efficiently. For a dog with arthritis, a dog jacket or coat will offer aid to their chilly bodies. Dogs that are not in a condition of good health can take advantage of a therapeutic dog coat. By using heat, cold and magnetic therapy, these dog coats offer therapeutic relief.
The correct fit is necessary for best possible comfort. Follow these steps using a tape measure to determine what size coat your dog will need.
Step 1: Determine your dog's girth. Measure the girth which is the chest directly behind the front legs.
Step 2: Measure your dog's neck. This is an important for hooded dog apparel.
Step 3: Determine the length of your dog from the base of their neck to the base of their tail.
Even though dogs are born with their own coats, they always could use extra warmth for cold and rainy days. - 29953
Dog lovers enjoy playing dress up with their small dogs. Smaller breeds of dogs have hair rather than fur and are susceptible to cold weather. They require the warmth that dog clothes offer if they are outdoors for any amount of time. Breeds such as: Silky Terriers, Chinese Crested Dogs, Yorkshire Terriers, Dachshunds and Maltese in fact benefit from sporting a dog sweater or coat. Tiny dogs prefer not to be exposed to the cold or rain and are most content warm and dry.
Medium sized dogs such as Welsh Corgis or Pugs have short hair, but have a more muscular build than small dogs. But I'm sure all would agree that a Welsh Corgi would look excellent in a stylish coat or jacket? Sometimes it is just about looking good! Even though Boxers are another breed that don't fare well in extreme temperatures despite their muscular build. Wouldn't a Boxer look swell wearing a Corduroy Dog Jacket?
Short haired breeds, like a Basenji, Greyhound, Italian Greyhound, Weimaraner and Vizsla have a slender build and require exercise outdoors. They do not handle severe cold weather very well. During cold days a barn jacket is effortless to Velcro around an active dog and helps to keep outdoor dogs toasty in colder weather. The Polyester helps ward off wind and water to maintain dryness and safety from the elements, while the fleece side captures body heat to supply warm comfort.
Some dog breeds don't require the warmth of a coat. For instance, the Alaskan Malamute has a thick and wooly base-coat that allows them to be exposed to the extreme cold weather without wearing protection. The Samoyed has a dual coat that contains a soft, thick undercoat with a harsh outer layer. In addition, cold temperature breeds have a tuft of hair around their neck for extra warmth.
Geriatric dogs need additional warmth in their elderly years. A dog coat lined with fleece will preserve an older dog's warmth efficiently. For a dog with arthritis, a dog jacket or coat will offer aid to their chilly bodies. Dogs that are not in a condition of good health can take advantage of a therapeutic dog coat. By using heat, cold and magnetic therapy, these dog coats offer therapeutic relief.
The correct fit is necessary for best possible comfort. Follow these steps using a tape measure to determine what size coat your dog will need.
Step 1: Determine your dog's girth. Measure the girth which is the chest directly behind the front legs.
Step 2: Measure your dog's neck. This is an important for hooded dog apparel.
Step 3: Determine the length of your dog from the base of their neck to the base of their tail.
Even though dogs are born with their own coats, they always could use extra warmth for cold and rainy days. - 29953
About the Author:
Although dogs come equipped with their own natural coat, they can always use an extra bit of comfort for adverse weather. Joanne Gallagher suggests visiting Jake's Dog House for a large assortment of Dog Jackets & Coats that will offer your dog with comfort and style during the cold winter months.