Flea Treatments For Your Pets And Your Home

By Jeff Conner

It's a common fact that canine's have a pretty good chance of getting fleas at some point in their lifetime. You might have one that will actually seem like they're a magnet for the little pests. Regardless, there are a couple things you should know about flea control and what to watch out for.

The easiest way to spot fleas will be at the base of their tails and also behind their ears. For some reason that ear location is pretty popular amongst fleas, so keep an eye out for it. You can also try to keep an eye out for their droppings, which look like strange bits of dust/dirt and will probably accumulate near your dogs stomach

Even though there are a large number of different types of flea prevention products available from your VET I would suggest you to use a natural or "over the counter" flea product. A recent ASPCA warning has been issued to pet owners regarding the type of flea and tick treatment currently being used. There have been an alarming number of dogs becoming ill and dying! This leads to the entire industry being investigatedscrutinized, and rightfully so. Bear in mind that not only are the over-the-counter products safe but they usually are much cheaper as well!

Now that you've successfully rid your pet of their little 'flea problem', you now need to turn your attention towards preventing a re-infestation of those little pests. Even though your dog may be flea-free, that doesn't mean they didn't already plant flea larvae around your house or even your car. Make sure to clean under any rugs you might have and around the base of any car-seats where your pet may have been close to. This will make sure that you don't suffer from a second attack months down the road.

Dog fleas are very indiscriminate and will infest a clean healthy dog just as much as the dirty neglected pet. Flea bites can cause extreme irritation to the dog. Some dogs can also become allergic to the flea saliva which is injected into the skin every time the flea bites. As well as the irritation of the flea bite they are are also the intermediate host of the tapeworm.

At one time flea infestations were confined to the summer months but nowadays with more and more homes being centrally heated this is no longer the case. Fleas like warmth and will lay their eggs in the gap between the skirting board and the carpet, between the floorboards, in the pile of fitted carpets and in the dogs bedding and basket.

After the baby flea eggs hatch the larvae stage can remain dormant for anything up to a year if the temp is not warm enough, before jumping onto the next passing host--perhaps your dog or worse you!--for a meal. Fleas do not live on the dog but simply use him as a source of food. They will live in your home and anywhere where the dog regularly goes, such as the car.

So what's the secret to flea prevention? It's simple: Vacuum. Do it often and do it everywhere. By keeping a clean home and auto you'll be safeguarding both your pet's health as well as maintaining the cleanliness of where you live. Your best tool to combat flea infestation is by preventing it from even happening. - 29953

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