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No matter your search criteria, I trust that you're in the market for a new cat boarding kennel. But before you make a decision, consider the following information. Finding a reliable cattery that understands cats' needs is in your, and your cat's, best interest.
Have you ever returned from a relaxing vacation to find your pet cat to be quite unrelaxed? A thin or ill cat is a sad manifestation of a poorly operated cat kennel. Without a resident veterinarian and other pet professionals, your cat's health and wellbeing could be in jeopardy. Your search for a cat kennel should start at a veterinary clinic, like Cabinet Veterinaire International, to ensure proper care for your cat.
Certainly, cats are more self sufficient than dogs, but when it comes to illness, fighting, and infectious disease transfer, cats are helpless if placed in a cat boarding facility that doesn't have professional care, direct veterinarian access, and solitary cat caging.
Drop and lock services should never be considered, and facilities that house more than one cat in each enclosure should be avoided. Cats are cats. They are not dogs, and they are certainly not social butterflies. More than one cat in a cage can equal disaster.
Cats will fight until a leader is established, and injuries will be inflicted. You might be enjoying your vacation, but your unfortunate pet will be living in torment.
If your cat is sharing a cage with another cat, be prepared to retrieve him or her with cuts, contusions, strange behavior, abscesses, infection, or even FIV. FIV is a terminal disease that is generally transmitted when cats fight.
Remember that making your cat a roommate to another cat will not cure his or her loneliness for you. To the contrary, you will be subjecting your cat to possible bullying and torture. Even if the enclosure is large, like an entire room, fights are still likely. Your cat's wellbeing and health should be your foremost concern.
When perusing your options, consider the care that your cat will receive. Look for a veterinary facility like Cabinet Veterinaire International, that is well lit and well ventilated, contains individual enclosures, and allows only one cat per cage. Ensure that your cat will receive daily care and attention by veterinary professionals.
Knowing that you've taken the proper steps to secure the safety of your cat is sure to enhance the enjoyment of your holiday. You'll be able to sit back, relax, and take plenty of your own peaceful cat naps. - 29953
No matter your search criteria, I trust that you're in the market for a new cat boarding kennel. But before you make a decision, consider the following information. Finding a reliable cattery that understands cats' needs is in your, and your cat's, best interest.
Have you ever returned from a relaxing vacation to find your pet cat to be quite unrelaxed? A thin or ill cat is a sad manifestation of a poorly operated cat kennel. Without a resident veterinarian and other pet professionals, your cat's health and wellbeing could be in jeopardy. Your search for a cat kennel should start at a veterinary clinic, like Cabinet Veterinaire International, to ensure proper care for your cat.
Certainly, cats are more self sufficient than dogs, but when it comes to illness, fighting, and infectious disease transfer, cats are helpless if placed in a cat boarding facility that doesn't have professional care, direct veterinarian access, and solitary cat caging.
Drop and lock services should never be considered, and facilities that house more than one cat in each enclosure should be avoided. Cats are cats. They are not dogs, and they are certainly not social butterflies. More than one cat in a cage can equal disaster.
Cats will fight until a leader is established, and injuries will be inflicted. You might be enjoying your vacation, but your unfortunate pet will be living in torment.
If your cat is sharing a cage with another cat, be prepared to retrieve him or her with cuts, contusions, strange behavior, abscesses, infection, or even FIV. FIV is a terminal disease that is generally transmitted when cats fight.
Remember that making your cat a roommate to another cat will not cure his or her loneliness for you. To the contrary, you will be subjecting your cat to possible bullying and torture. Even if the enclosure is large, like an entire room, fights are still likely. Your cat's wellbeing and health should be your foremost concern.
When perusing your options, consider the care that your cat will receive. Look for a veterinary facility like Cabinet Veterinaire International, that is well lit and well ventilated, contains individual enclosures, and allows only one cat per cage. Ensure that your cat will receive daily care and attention by veterinary professionals.
Knowing that you've taken the proper steps to secure the safety of your cat is sure to enhance the enjoyment of your holiday. You'll be able to sit back, relax, and take plenty of your own peaceful cat naps. - 29953
About the Author:
Learn more about cat boarding Geneva#1. Stop by Dr. Nortey Oamboe's site where you can find out all about cattery in geneva#2 and what it can do for you.