We first encountered animal communication when we had reached the end of our dog training with our Border Collie Cross Badger. We reached a point when everyday dog training no longer worked with her, this is her story.
My husband and I decided our life had reached a point where something else was needed to share our life so we decided to get a puppy! We read up on all the dog training methods until we were ready to go and get her.
As soon as Badger arrived we started the training. Firstly, we tried treat training and she picked up all the usual commands with ease: sit, down, leave, drop and paw. We could also take away a toy when she was playing with it and put a hand in her bowl when she was eating. I wanted to ensure that we were the dog trainer and she wasn't the human trainer!
Sadly not long after this, this all changed, this cute little responsive puppy had started showing her teeth and growling if we went near anything she considered hers. The dog training went out of the window.
Eventually she bit me. This was bad enough but she didn't stop there. Her growling, snapping and snarling was so unpredictable she started doing the same thing to my husband and any visitors to the house or in fact if we were visitors in their house. She would spend hours in her bed just staring at us, she guarded her toys, food, water absolutely anything even a piece of paper What had we done so wrong, was she trying to tell us something?
As a result of her behaviour, we were banned from our own family and friend's houses as Badger's behaviour was just too unpredictable. We were not able to go on holiday or even go out for a whole day or overnight stay, as we could not allow a dog walker in to our house. We took her to additional dog training but still nothing worked
Dog trainer after dog trainer, behaviourist after behaviourist, they all came and went with their various techniques and methods to overcome her problems - nothing worked at all and at 1 year old she was now a fully grown dog in size. This feeling of hopelessness was totally suffocating, we had no idea what to do or where to turn to next.
Life by now was incredibly stressful. We couldn't carry on living like this, was she going to bite me today? Was she ever going to change? Is this just the way it is always going to be? Can we cope? We just wished we could understand her we knew that one day something serious would happen and then it would all be too late. Re-homing was out of the question as she would never actually leave the rescue centre as she had already displayed aggression. It had been suggested to us that she should be put too sleep for her own good was it time to make that decision?
We loved this dog and could not simply give up on her. A friend had recently had some great success with her own dogs using an Animal Communicator so sceptically we decided to give it a go we had nothing to loose any more.
Desperate for our questions to be answered we contacted the recommended Animal Communicator - James French and waited for the insight and understanding of our dog that we so craved.
Our life's were saved! This may sound a dramatic statement but our life's really were saved Badgers and ours! James gave us the insight we needed to eventually start to move forward. He told us what motivated her, what she needed and actually what she didn't need!
After all this time we learned that our dog was not aggressive she was in constant pain as her digestive system was not processing her food, no wonder she didn't like being touched and was so body sensitive.
We also learnt that whilst we knew she was highly anxious and dominant she was mirroring me?! This took a bit of time to sink in to be honest How could this be? How can that happen? I had done everything possible to ensure I was a responsible dog owner Where had I gone so wrong? And then my light bulb moment we were now 3 years on and I was a nervous wreck! The situation with Badger had made me this way and I was keeping us that way time to change!
Her food was the first thing we tackled, changing her to a raw food diet and the results were amazing! We knew it was going to be a long road to total recovery but we had made a step forward and boy were we excited! And now on to me gulp, I had to make my own changes but where did I start?
The first thing to go was my very stressful job, the second change was actually the realisation that I didn't actually have any 'me' time at all. My idea of relaxing was to catch up on the ironing whilst watching the TV. The most important decision was deciding that I wanted to train to be an Animal Communicator too, I just had to get out there and help others who had suffered like us.
I really feel this story is some sort of fairy tale....If we had of given in and taken her to rescue centre she would never have left, if she had had different owners she may have been put to sleep. How many people and dogs were suffering out there? How many dogs were being put to sleep each day, each year just because they cannot be heard?
I am now a very proud fully qualified Animal Communicator! I fulfil my dream everyday of helping humans and their animals share a rewarding and lifelong friendship and I have Badger to thank for this. Dog training on it's own did not work for us however combining Animal Communication and Dog Training together wow, what a powerful combination! - 29953
My husband and I decided our life had reached a point where something else was needed to share our life so we decided to get a puppy! We read up on all the dog training methods until we were ready to go and get her.
As soon as Badger arrived we started the training. Firstly, we tried treat training and she picked up all the usual commands with ease: sit, down, leave, drop and paw. We could also take away a toy when she was playing with it and put a hand in her bowl when she was eating. I wanted to ensure that we were the dog trainer and she wasn't the human trainer!
Sadly not long after this, this all changed, this cute little responsive puppy had started showing her teeth and growling if we went near anything she considered hers. The dog training went out of the window.
Eventually she bit me. This was bad enough but she didn't stop there. Her growling, snapping and snarling was so unpredictable she started doing the same thing to my husband and any visitors to the house or in fact if we were visitors in their house. She would spend hours in her bed just staring at us, she guarded her toys, food, water absolutely anything even a piece of paper What had we done so wrong, was she trying to tell us something?
As a result of her behaviour, we were banned from our own family and friend's houses as Badger's behaviour was just too unpredictable. We were not able to go on holiday or even go out for a whole day or overnight stay, as we could not allow a dog walker in to our house. We took her to additional dog training but still nothing worked
Dog trainer after dog trainer, behaviourist after behaviourist, they all came and went with their various techniques and methods to overcome her problems - nothing worked at all and at 1 year old she was now a fully grown dog in size. This feeling of hopelessness was totally suffocating, we had no idea what to do or where to turn to next.
Life by now was incredibly stressful. We couldn't carry on living like this, was she going to bite me today? Was she ever going to change? Is this just the way it is always going to be? Can we cope? We just wished we could understand her we knew that one day something serious would happen and then it would all be too late. Re-homing was out of the question as she would never actually leave the rescue centre as she had already displayed aggression. It had been suggested to us that she should be put too sleep for her own good was it time to make that decision?
We loved this dog and could not simply give up on her. A friend had recently had some great success with her own dogs using an Animal Communicator so sceptically we decided to give it a go we had nothing to loose any more.
Desperate for our questions to be answered we contacted the recommended Animal Communicator - James French and waited for the insight and understanding of our dog that we so craved.
Our life's were saved! This may sound a dramatic statement but our life's really were saved Badgers and ours! James gave us the insight we needed to eventually start to move forward. He told us what motivated her, what she needed and actually what she didn't need!
After all this time we learned that our dog was not aggressive she was in constant pain as her digestive system was not processing her food, no wonder she didn't like being touched and was so body sensitive.
We also learnt that whilst we knew she was highly anxious and dominant she was mirroring me?! This took a bit of time to sink in to be honest How could this be? How can that happen? I had done everything possible to ensure I was a responsible dog owner Where had I gone so wrong? And then my light bulb moment we were now 3 years on and I was a nervous wreck! The situation with Badger had made me this way and I was keeping us that way time to change!
Her food was the first thing we tackled, changing her to a raw food diet and the results were amazing! We knew it was going to be a long road to total recovery but we had made a step forward and boy were we excited! And now on to me gulp, I had to make my own changes but where did I start?
The first thing to go was my very stressful job, the second change was actually the realisation that I didn't actually have any 'me' time at all. My idea of relaxing was to catch up on the ironing whilst watching the TV. The most important decision was deciding that I wanted to train to be an Animal Communicator too, I just had to get out there and help others who had suffered like us.
I really feel this story is some sort of fairy tale....If we had of given in and taken her to rescue centre she would never have left, if she had had different owners she may have been put to sleep. How many people and dogs were suffering out there? How many dogs were being put to sleep each day, each year just because they cannot be heard?
I am now a very proud fully qualified Animal Communicator! I fulfil my dream everyday of helping humans and their animals share a rewarding and lifelong friendship and I have Badger to thank for this. Dog training on it's own did not work for us however combining Animal Communication and Dog Training together wow, what a powerful combination! - 29953
About the Author:
Learn Animal Communication With Dog Training Take a look and see what lovely work Rebecca is doing with animals, visit her website Animal Communication