Do You Want To Know How To Train Your Dog?

By Julius Humphrey

By now you are well aware of the fact that dogs can be domesticated animals and are great companions; however if you neglect to learn how to train your dog then you will end up dealing with several dog problems such as; barking, scratching and other problems that will make your life difficult. If you have recently gotten a canine friend; chances are you want to know how to train your dog. We have taken the time to provide you with 5 easy steps that you can use while learning how to train your dog.

1. Consistency: If you notice your dog doing something wrong take the time to discipline them every time you notice them doing it. Dogs are no different than children; they learn from repetition, the more often you tell them not to do something they will learn not to that thing.

2. Teach Them To Come To You: We all should be aware that you never want to discipline your dog when you call them by name to you. In fact if you continue doing this they will become scared of coming to you and will stop coming when you call them.

3. Reward Them: Take the time to let your dog know that they have done something that you agree with; let him/her know that they are good and you approve of their behavior. You can use treats or anything else to let them know about their correct behavior; as they continue getting praised for their behavior they will begin to understand that you approve of it.

4. Avoid Dominant Behavior: If you are dealing with more than one dog then you will want to know how to avoid dominant behavior. As soon as it begins to happen you want to put a stop to it. If you learn how to stop this behavior then you will find that you will all be able to live peacefully.

5. Dog Training Takes Time: Any time that you are trying to train a dog to act the way that you want them to it is going to take patience on your part. As long as you take the time to implement these steps then you will notice that it will pay off and you will create a peaceful household.

You can train your dog by yourself you do not have to pay for any high paying dog obedience classes. If you are new to training your dog and want to get more information on learning how to tackle any of your dog's behavioral problems then feel free to visit our website below to get more professional advice. - 29953

Cattery in Geneva Troubled by Shared Cat Cages in Kennels

By Dr. Nortey Oamboe

Let me guess. You've searched for pet hotel Geneva, cat boarding Geneva, cat kennels Geneva, cat kennel Geneva, cattery Geneva, catteries Geneva, cat cattery Geneva, boarding cattery Geneva, cattery kennels Geneva, cat boarding kennels Geneva, boarding kennels and cattery Geneva, boarding catteries Geneva, or cat boarding kennel Geneva.

No matter your search criteria, I trust that you're in the market for a new cat boarding kennel. But before you make a decision, consider the following information. Finding a reliable cattery that understands cats' needs is in your, and your cat's, best interest.

Have you ever returned from a relaxing vacation to find your pet cat to be quite unrelaxed? A thin or ill cat is a sad manifestation of a poorly operated cat kennel. Without a resident veterinarian and other pet professionals, your cat's health and wellbeing could be in jeopardy. Your search for a cat kennel should start at a veterinary clinic, like Cabinet Veterinaire International, to ensure proper care for your cat.

Certainly, cats are more self sufficient than dogs, but when it comes to illness, fighting, and infectious disease transfer, cats are helpless if placed in a cat boarding facility that doesn't have professional care, direct veterinarian access, and solitary cat caging.

Drop and lock services should never be considered, and facilities that house more than one cat in each enclosure should be avoided. Cats are cats. They are not dogs, and they are certainly not social butterflies. More than one cat in a cage can equal disaster.

Cats will fight until a leader is established, and injuries will be inflicted. You might be enjoying your vacation, but your unfortunate pet will be living in torment.

If your cat is sharing a cage with another cat, be prepared to retrieve him or her with cuts, contusions, strange behavior, abscesses, infection, or even FIV. FIV is a terminal disease that is generally transmitted when cats fight.

Remember that making your cat a roommate to another cat will not cure his or her loneliness for you. To the contrary, you will be subjecting your cat to possible bullying and torture. Even if the enclosure is large, like an entire room, fights are still likely. Your cat's wellbeing and health should be your foremost concern.

When perusing your options, consider the care that your cat will receive. Look for a veterinary facility like Cabinet Veterinaire International, that is well lit and well ventilated, contains individual enclosures, and allows only one cat per cage. Ensure that your cat will receive daily care and attention by veterinary professionals.

Knowing that you've taken the proper steps to secure the safety of your cat is sure to enhance the enjoyment of your holiday. You'll be able to sit back, relax, and take plenty of your own peaceful cat naps. - 29953

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Bee Keeping Equipment Make Your Productivity Double

By Derrick Mcgee

Whether you need to start bee keeping as a past-time or as a business, you've got to have the right bee keeping appliances. Bee keeping is an entertaining pastime that will also give you a further source of revenue. You can collect the honey for your own use or sell it. You can make candles from beeswax.

Of course, you will need a hive for your bees to live in. The beehive is a wooden frame box that contains multiple parts. The outer cover must be weather resistant in order to protect your bees. Your hive should also have an inner cover to act as insulation. The inside of your hive will have important pieces of honey bee equipment called honey supers. The bees use these removable frames for storing honey. When you are ready to harvest honey, you simply slip out the frames. The beehive will have a lower compartment that contains honey supers also but these are for the bees to use to raise their young and store honey to be used as food. A hive stand is required in order to keep the bottom of the hive dry and to provide insulation.

A valuable piece of bee keeping equipment is the smoker. A smoker is a small pot that you fill with grass or burlap and set it on fire to create smoke. The smoke billows out a directional nozzle that you aim towards the beehive. The smoke does not hurt the bees; it simply makes them calm so you can remove the honey supers without being stung. Most beekeepers add a veil and gloves to their list of necessary bee keeping equipment. These protect your head, arms and hands from being stung. Some experienced beekeepers prefer to work without the heavy gloves since it is easier to use the hive tool to pry open the hive without them. Full protection is recommended for beginners. The gloves should be made of leather or plastic so a bee stinger cannot penetrate them. Beekeeper suits are available also; these offer protection to the entire body.

You'll need honey bee kit that processes the honey after you take away the honey supers from the hive. You can buy removing appliances which separates the honey from the brush. You may choose the straightforward and more cost effective methodology of purchasing honey supers designed for making brush honey. With these, all you have to do is cut the honeycomb from the frame.

Other bee keeping apparatus to think about includes food, feeders and medicine. You should provide supplemental food to your hive to keep them healthy when nearby nectar isn't available. Providing a water source helps keep your bees away from your neighbor's pool. Finding bee keeping equipment isn't hard. You can contact your county extension agent for recommendation on setting up your bee colony as well as recommendation on where to purchase your supplies. You may also buy everything you want online if you can't find it regionally.

Using the proper bee keeping equipment will help your bees stay healthy and protect you from stings. Healthy bees means more delicious honey that you can harvest from your hive. - 29953

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All You Need to Know About How to Build a Home Chicken Coop the Easy Way

By Carter Campbell

Anyone who is considering raising backyard chickens knows that a home chicken coop is a necessity to raise chickens the right way. Chickens certainly need a safe place to eat and sleep. They also need shelter from the elements. However, the idea of paying top dollar for a chicken coop and having it delivered can be a very expensive option. This is why building your own backyard chicken coop may be a feasible thing to do.

This article is going to give you the top tips to consider when you are building your own home chicken coop.

1. Have a Plan: Safety of your chickens should be the primary concern when planning the chicken coop.

There are so many ideas to take into consideration in your plan such as: how large will your chickens be, how many windows will you need to keep proper ventilation and light, how will you maintain the safety of your chickens, how many feeders and waterers will you need and what kind of access will you have? Planning at the outset will help ward off any problems later once you have finished construction of your coop.

2. Choose the perfect location: Choose a perfect spot in your yard that is flat and free of bushes and tall weeds. Doing so will protect your chicken from rodents and snakes. Leave plenty of room around the coop. It will be useful in case you plan to construct a run later.

3. Visualize your plan: Get your measurements right and make a draft of your home chicken coop. It is easier to change the layout and add on when the plan is still in the making. Be sure about what you want before buying the materials.

4. Build your chicken coop: If you got the blue print of your plan right, it is time for a trip to the hardware store to gather the materials. Basic wood working skills are the absolute requirement for building your home chicken coop from scratch.

If you want to skip the part of planning the design for your chicken coop, there are pre-made chicken coop designs available at affordable prices. With proper planning, there will be no waste of materials, money or time and you can really enjoy the rewarding experience of building a home chicken coop. - 29953

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How Your Home Can Benefit From An Air Purifier

By Angela Woods

Buying an air purifier can make your home a lot cleaner as well as being a safer and comfortable place to live in. They help to get rid of bad odours, but they do a lot more than that. There one of those things that are often underestimated by people, and they do actually make a great deal of difference in getting rid of the pollutants inside your house.

In these cases, the air becomes dirty and polluted. Indoor pollution is a very serious and often underestimated problem that affects just about every house in the world. These problems should not be underestimated as they often are, and an air purifying system can make the world of difference.

The climate can be a major influence as well. Obviously, if you live in a cold area of the country it is not practical to keep everything opened up during the winter months. However, it is this lack of ventilation or causes a lot of problems with regards to health and general all round comfort.

Getting a purifying system will help to compensate for this problem. It will also be useful in any other time of year, but you will especially notice the difference in winter months when everything has to be closed up. It will help keep the air cleaner, and feel and smell fresher.

Air purifiers are a type of filter. They are often carbon filters which removal sorts of gases, chemical toxins and odours that form the surrounding atmosphere. These devices simply absorb and destroy many of these pollutants. All you do is plug them into a mains power socket, and they do all work for you.

If you are wondering what sort of common indoor pollutants are going to be removed by decent air filter, then there is simply a huge list of things that are going to be contaminating your home to one degree or another. Most of these pollutants are organic, such as dust mites and mould which form in varying degrees depending on the climate.

These things are well known causes and triggers of certain types of allergies. For example, asthma attacks can be bought about by an excessive amount of dust and other types of pollutants inside a house. There are many other sorts of allergies that can happen, some often caused by animal dander.

If you have pets, that is one good reason alone to have an air purifying system. Animal dander is one of the most common causes of various allergies and having an air purifying system can help your house become a lot cleaner because of this. If you have pets, getting a purifying system is essential.

Some of the other pollutants that you wouldn't have even thought about most likely, include things such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and certain heavy and toxic metallic elements such as mercury vapour, lead and radon. These can be in large enough quantities to make your house or relatively and healthy place to live. - 29953

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Saddles For Sale: Which One To Buy?

By Richard Burklin

It can be hard for beginners to tell the difference between all of the saddles for sale on the market. For a newcomer, what makes horse saddle unique might not be so obvious at first glance. And some differences are not exactly visible at first.

After you take a saddle home and place it on your horse, you will notice right away that it has it's own feel to it. And again once you yourself climb into the saddle, you will discover that your own body has a lot to with with how well the saddle works out. When you test a saddle, it's a good idea to sit in it and go with your initial reaction to how you like it. But beyond that, what else should you look out for in a saddle?

Let's take a look at a number of them:

The most important thing to consider is how the saddle fits your animal. The saddle's fit should trump any other aspect that may be influencing your decision to purchase. A horse can be hurt and become upset by a saddle that does not fit correctly.

Additionally, it can create a severe hazard for the rider since the improper fit could make staying on the horse difficult. Clearly, both are situations best avoided. The best way to actually avoid this would be to take a proper measurement of the horse prior to purchasing the saddle.

A good way to save on a saddles is to purchase a used one. Just be sure to avoid any that are excessively worn or damaged. Although, this should not be the case with a quality saddle as they are ruggedly constructed.

Then, there are those saddles for sale that would be better off seeing a much needed retirement. So, no matter how great a deal may sound, it is best to stick with a used saddle that is still in decent shape.

Sometimes saddles can be tricky. You may not notice a problem right away. But once you put the saddle on your horse and try it out, sometimes something just isn't right. It could be the fit. It could be a stray part that pokes you. It could be a number of things.

You might find on your first ride with your new horse saddle that it seems to move around a bit too much. Sometimes this happens and you won't know until you have actually tested out your new saddle.

You also need to consider your horse's comfort when looking at saddles for sale. Check underneath the saddle for any dark blotches on your horse. These are probably bruises caused by the saddle and will tell you right away that that particular saddle is not good for your horse.

Yes, it can be a little extra work to select the right saddle and sometimes your selection may not go as intended. But, when you take these extra steps, you will discover your horseback riding sessions to be a lot more fun and a whole lot safer. - 29953

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What Does Aggressive Dog Behavior Mean?

By Aleesha London

There are several reasons why your pet may display an aggressive dog behavior. Unfortunately, since we don't understand dog language, we may think that dog aggression is just something dogs are born with to make their human masters' lives miserable. It is important to understand that the first step to solving problem behavior among dogs is to first understand the reasons behind them.

Fear Aggression

It's possible that your dog is showing aggression simply because it is afraid. Like a human being, a dog will do its best to fight against forces that it sees as harmful. Sometimes though, the sources of dog fear may not really pose any real threats. A hand gesture from you or the act of picking up something may be incorrectly perceived by dogs as intentions to hit it or pick an object to hit it with. In these cases, a dog's natural defense would be aggressive behavior.

Fear aggression, in many cases, is a learned response. Your dog may have had a traumatic past. He may have previously had violent owners. He may have been chained for long periods of time, hit repeatedly and deprived of food. Dogs that have had bad experiences in the past may be more defensive, suspicious and aggressive than normal.

Possessive Aggression

Dogs are highly territorial. Just like humans, dogs do think of some things as their own. A dog's possessions may include its house, food dish and toys. In a way it may even perceive you and your family as part of its possessions. Aggressive dog behavior may therefore be shown because your dog simply wants to protect its own. It may become aggressive towards outsiders or even to members of your family if it thinks that its possessions are threatened. The well known territorial aggression is the same as possessive aggression. Areas that have been marked by your dog with its urine cannot be shared with anyone else.

Dominance Aggression

Dogs are inherently pack animals and lived with packs before their specie was domesticated. Animals that are related to dogs such as wolves continue to live in packs in the wild. In these groups, a clear hierarchy is formed. There is always an alpha male and an alpha female. Your aggressive dog may merely be simulating this age old tendency of its species to form hierarchies.

With dominance aggression, your dog might still feel that it is a dominant dog and that you are a lower member of its pack. Fighting a dominant dog with aggression may only reinforce its aggressive behavior as it attempts to fight you for the top spot in the pack.

Redirected Aggression

Anger or aggression is not something we can openly express at all times. We therefore look for objects and situations to vent out our feelings on. Dogs are the same. If they feel some form of aggression for another animal or for another pet in your home, their owners would naturally want to stop them in any way possible. This could push dogs with pent up aggression to channel their energies elsewhere. This is bad news for you because you could be the nearest recipient of a big bite intended for another person or animal.

Don't condone aggressive dog behavior. There is a real need for you to find methods and techniques to train your dog to react in non-aggressive ways. - 29953

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What Is A Munchkin Cat?

By Moses Wright

The cat breed known as munchkin cats was developed from a natural genetic mutation. Munchkin cats have legs that are significantly shorter than other cat breeds. The Munchkin cat breed is a relatively new breed.

The Munchkin cat breed began with the discovery of a short-legged cat named Blackberry. Even though short-legged cats were in existence as early as the 1940s, Blackberry's discovery in 1983 became the foundation for the Munchkin cat breed.

The Munchkin cats have been accepted as a championship breed in The International Cat Association (TICA), they have not yet been accepted into the Cat Fanciers? Association (CFA). Some people say that the popularity of Munchkin cats is increasing which could assist in their acceptance by the Cat Fanciers? Association.

Munchkin cats are described as people oriented and seemed to enjoy being handled and held. These cats are also described as extremely playful.

A Munchkin cat has walnut-shaped eyes that are spaced far apart. The color of the eyes are not related to the cat's coat color like it is with other cat breeds and there are no restrictions on eye color.

A Munchkin cat has ears with slightly rounded tips. The medium-boned Munchkin cats should have muscular bodies. The shortness of the legs does not seem to impede the cat's ability to be active.

Some experts believe that Munchkin cats should not be bred. The fear is that the short legs put the cat at a disadvantage for potential survival behavior such as climbing. However, breeders stress that the Munchkin cat breed is healthy and not susceptible to disease.

Munchkin cats can have long and short hair coats. The plush, dense shorthaired coats are short to medium in length. The shorthaired cats with solid coloring have less dense coats. Longhaired coats of Munchkin cats are silky and semi-long.

Pet lovers may be concerned that due to their short stature, Munchkin cats share the same propensity towards spinal problems that Dachshund and corgi dogs do. Munchkin cats are not susceptible to spinal problems like dogs with short legs are. - 29953

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Comfortable and Convenient Elevated Dog Bowl

By Benedict Perez

It is high time you reward your animal-friend with an elevated dog bowl of its own. No need using your own bowls and dishes and let your pet feel it is deserving to have its own classy diner. With a fine diner begging for food under the table is an old fashioned for it is not only messy it also makes the canine look pitiful. Your pet will no longer be jealous having its own diner when eating with the rest of the family.

With an elevated dog bowl of its own, the canine can eat comfortably and savor the same food you have on the dining table. There are safe and easy-to-wash bowls you can provide for your domesticated animal. You can opt for a polyethylene plastic bowls or choose stoneware or a stainless feeder for an enjoyable meal. These types of feeders are manageable, non-toxic and neat.

You can provide your lovable animal a set of elevated dog bowl so you can offer him water on one side and food on the other feeder. This surely completes his hearty meal with such grace and comfort. You must make sure that the feeders are securely placed on a strong holder or stand to avoid messing up. The stand can be placed on an underfoot to prevent slippage while the canine is drinking and eating with gusto!

They are the loyal creatures that will watch over your house especially at nighttime. They do not sleep while you are all sound asleep as in deep slumber. They are your protectors and playmates. Giving them a little treat like an elevated dog bowl is already a sign of such appreciation which the dogs can feel. Dogs are mans best friend and they deserve to be treated fairly as friends!

For more fantastic designs of this diner set for your lovable pet, you can browse and search online for more suitable feeders. You can visit some web sites that can offer you a wide range of this comfortable dinner wares for the lovable animal. This pet deserves a sumptuous meal being served with clean drinking water on an elevated dog bowl. - 29953

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The Kinds of Electric Dog Training Collars that There Are

By Rosa Goods

electronic dog training collars are the innovative means of saying goodbye to the hassles involved in training your pets. Those pet owners who find it tough to impart behavioral training by other means can now enjoy the comforts of getting their dogs trained with ease in short time frames, using electronic dog training collars.


Depending on the type of correction that they offer, electric dog training collars can be separated in three different categories. These are electric collars, sonic collars, and citronella spray collars.

Electric Collars

These collars operate by offering a harmless, mild static electric shock when the collar senses the vibrations of the vocal chord of the pet. There are a few methods to this as some products require the owner to make the correction with the push of a button.

The main advantage of the electronic collar is that it teaches a dog that barking is not allowed in certain situations, such as late at night or when visitors arrive. The collar is also very easy to use. While the collar is perfectly safe, some people still think that the use of electricity harms the dog.

Sound Based Collars

The other type of electronic training collars involve the use of sound. These sonic collars emit a sound that only dogs can hear and which prevents them from keep barking. These collars are very innovative and they are preferred by those who think that the static delivering ones are cruel.

Citronella Spray Collars

This type of collar offers yet another approach. This collar literally sprays the dog's muzzle with an annoying scent of citronella whenever the dog tries to bark while the collar is active. This collar is by far the most accepted one by people who think the other two are somewhat cruel, yet it requires some extra work, such as constantly refilling the canisters and taking them off at night and at times when the dog is playing and should be allowed to bark at ease. - 29953

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Tips For Dog Caring - Dog Allergies

By Gillian Sanders

Ok so what are dog allergies and why you should be concerned about them. For one, they can cause problems for your pets to the extent that they can be suffering quite a bit from it. This means you'll have to take them to the vet and that costs money and time.

Usually these problems arise from the fact that dog owners do not take remedy actions in the early stages of dog allergies. By the time the dog allergies have become serious, it usually takes quite a bit more to solve the allergies. So take heed. Here i will share a few quick tips on how to spot early signs of dog allergies so you can do something about it right away.

Alright let's look at food allergies. The most usual sign for dog food allergies is that your dog will scratch a lot. If you see your pet scratching, licking or even chewing themselves constantly, it is a pretty sure symptom of dog allergies. Some possible triggers for this kind of reactions can be the food they are eating. A quick way to test this out is to systematically remove each dog food ingredient until the symptoms disappears. This helps you to isolate the cause of the dog food allergies.

Another common type of dog allergies is something called Atopy. This is caused by allergy due to their surrounding environment. Certain dust mites, pollen or molds can trigger such kinds of allergies. Again, some of the symptoms are chewing and scratching themselves, specifically the paws and face. Some remedy actions you can take is to remove your dog from these environmental triggers.

If they are allergic to dust mites, be sure to take them out of that area where it is full of dust mites. Now, this may not be possible in some cases, where the allergens are in the house itself. For this situation, you can clean your dog by giving them more frequent baths with medically-approved shampoos. Boosting their immune system is also another feasible way to fight against the allergies. Feed your dog with an omega three rich diet.

Those are just a few quick tips and tricks you can utilize to help alleviate your dog of allergies. Remember the golden rule: Detect early and treat it when possible! - 29953

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An Intro To Training Dogs

By Don De Good

It's always a good idea to know all your alternatives before beginning training for your dog. Nowadays, there are a number of kinds of dog training programs offered in many areas. Each course varies in price, but they each have something unique to teach you.

The first stage in dog training is called puppy preschool. This dog training program is intended for pups aged around 6 weeks to 5 months. A puppy preschool class will usually take six to eight weeks to complete. In these classes, socializing with peoples and other puppies is the foundation of what is being taught. And, this is where your pup starts discovering the way to sit, stay and come to you.

The second part of the dog training focuses on ages 5 months old and up. Basic dog training is the name of this particular program. These classes are in session for eight to ten weeks. The basic course teaches dogs to sit, stay, heel, come, and walk on a leash.

The third type of dog training course is known as the intermediate dog training. This dog training aims at teaching the dog mostly the same things that are taught in the basic training course, in a more detailed form. Here the dog is trained to stay for a longer span of time, and is also taught to follow the orders given by other people.

The Intermediate dog training usually goes on for about 8 to 10 weeks, and is intended for dogs that are at least 5 months old. In order to participate the dog needs to already have a firm grasp on basic commands, either via a previous dog training course, or through one on one owner instruction.

The next type of training course is known as the advanced dog training course. Here, once again, the course is quite similar to its previous one, i.e., the intermediate dog training course, except for the fact that this time it is more detailed. Here, the dog is taught how to sit even without you in the view.

This particular training course, which builds on the intermediate level, runs between two to two and a half months in duration. This course also teaches them to walk alongside their owners with no leash attached. The dog will also be gently prepared for the next course, called Canine Good Citizen. The final course is called Canine Good Citizen. 10 components are necessary to be learned by your dog for passing the course.

This class has a prerequisite of the dogs completing all of the other courses. The exam is really hard and the dog needs to behave properly in order to successfully complete it. The instructions may take a number of weeks, according to your dog's success on the test.

Once you know these things, you should be able to determine which dog training course your pet needs. Your local dog trainer has valuable insight to give you on training issues. A lot of trainers do free consultations. So now you will be at least one step closer to beginning a training class with your dog. - 29953

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With So Many Chicken Coops For Sale How Do You Select The Right One?

By George Fowler

As you will soon discover there are plenty of chicken coops for sale today. However, there are certain things that one should be considering before one makes that all important purchase. Below we offer a few tips as to what you should be looking for when it comes to buying a chicken coop that will provide the amount of space and protection that the hens kept inside need.

Tip 1 - It is important that the coop you purchase is solidly constructed as this will last for many years. When it comes to purchasing a chicken coop select those made from tanalised and pressure treated wood. As well as these ones not require too much upkeep they often last for as much as 20 years.

But these coops may prove expensive and if your budget is limited that go for the standard treated coop instead. However, make sure that it has been treated using non toxic materials and remember to annually retreat it.

Tip 2 - As well as making sure the coop is solidly constructed you want one that is weatherproof. You should look for those chicken coops for sale where the roof overhangs the main part of it as this will ensure that rain water flows off it easily. So getting one with an apex roof is your best option. However you can also choose flat roofed ones that have a slight slope to them by the door to ensure that rainwater flows off over the back.

Plus the roofing material should be of a kind that not only is impervious to water but provides a good level of insulation as well. Most chicken coops for sale today will have roofs that have good quality roofing felt on them or a material like Onduline, which prevents mites from finding places to live. - 29953

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Pet Healing Stones & Necklaces

By George Carmichael

There are now websites available on the internet that can provide holistic and alternative healing solutions for your beloved pet. These sites specialize in herbal health medicine and other alternative health solutions such as beautiful dog and cat necklaces made from healing stones.

It was believed by the ancient Chinese and Egyptians that certain semi-precious stones and crystals offered special health and healing properties. Semi-precious stones and crystals were forged by the earth's natural energies of fire, wind and rain. The ancients believed that the powers of the earth were trapped and held inside the crystals, and could be bestowed upon those who wore them.

Certain semi-precious stones and crystals are believed to the earth's natural energy!

You can now find beautiful and fashionable dog and cat necklaces fashioned from the same semi-precious stones and crystals believed by the ancients to provide powerful healing properties, and to aid in the recovery of respiratory, digestive and circulatory problems. Such necklaces can be found on the internet and be be customized to meet the specific needs of your pet.

Different semi-precious crystals and stones are said to target different types of health conditions, such as depression, arthritis, stress, blood disorders, and nerve related pain.

The following is an example of the health benefits associated with the stones that you can have fashioned into a healing necklace for your pet:

-Calm, and the ability to relax - Better sleeping patterns - Pain relief - Stomach issues - Heart problems - Respiratory relief

You can provide your pet with the great treatment that it deserves with a cool and calming dog or cat necklace!

Pet necklaces made from lamp-work and ceramic beading may not only lend your pet a very stylish look, but may alleviate some of the symptoms of stress and overall ill-health that your pet has been experiencing.

Show your pet that you care and learn more about healing stones and their properties. Even if you are not looking to heal your pet, the dog and cat necklaces are gorgeous. These necklaces are believed to provide great health benefits, and your pet will be sporting some style! - 29953

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Effective Dog Pain Relief Methods

By Fedric Johnson

In today's world, there are many options for finding a dog pain relief solution. Joint displacement, illness, broken bones, arthritis, or even already healing wounds are some of the most common ailments for which pain relief is needed. To really find pain relief for dogs you might want to try searching the web.You will find in your search that the Internet is probably the best place to begin when trying to find your dog pain relief. In addition, remember never to use human medication as a pain relief for dogs

Human medicine can be extremely deadly to dogs. It can turn out to be extraordinarily damaging or even lethal to our pets. It is sensible to remain on the safe side and keep your dog away from our agony relievers. There are loads of different kinds of pain relief for dogs.

One of the strategies in bringing your dog relief from agony can be discovered in the utilization of a chiropractor. Particularly for dogs with arthritis or alignment problems, this may be a remarkable way to bring pain relief. There are lots of natural cures open to you thru different corporations. There are salves, mixtures, extracts, ointments or eatable herbs that may give your dog relief. These companies can be discovered on the web and have many alternative products from which to select.

Some of the ointments and extracts are made particularly to be applied outwardly on a wound or sore spot. Additionally, some of the herbs are going to be taken orally by your dog companion to bring pain relief. You should find a particular herb or cure which will apply to your dog's discomfort.

Also, numerous firms sell a pain relief solution in spray form. All that you need to do is spray the area of tenderness and ache and the pain should slowly seep away. You have to take some time to find the right cure for your dog. If your pet has sustained a significant injury like a damaged bone, giant gash or cut or internal bleeding, you don't want to try and handle the condition yourself. Take your dog to the local vet for attention. He can potentially give you some type of prescription for following the operation discomfort or long term relief.

A surprising, but popular way in today's world for dog pain relief is using acupuncture. This practice has not only helped many humans with their agony, but dogs too. It has grown in its recognition thanks to the good results and is a great methodology for dogs with numerous kinds of agony.

Massaging your dog with your own hands can also bring immeasurable pain relief for your best friend. When we are in pain we will by any means necessary try to sedate our pain. Why should we treat dog pain relief any different? - 29953

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Considerations before buying chinchilla cages

By Sarah McAffee

So you've gotten your chinchilla and you're excited to get him or her home, but first you need a good cage for your pet. Chinchilla cages can be purchased in a lot of different styles and sizes.

When you first start looking for a cage, look for one that is metal because chinchillas love to chew on things and he or she will not be able to chew through the metal.

Choose a house with a bottom tray for easier cleaning. Line it with news paper and keep it clean. You'll also need to make sure that your pets new home has enough room for play and exercise. Chinchillas like to jump and play.

When you get your cage set up, you'll want to put it in a place where there is no wind and it should be out of direct sunlight. Chinchilla cages should be placed out of the sun because chinchillas have long, thick hair and they like the temperature to be approximately between 60 and 75 degrees.

Now that you have found a perfect location for your new cage, its time to put in some fun and accessories. Chinchillas like to hide, so maybe you can add a hideaway box or some tunnels. You should add some shelves for jumping and lounging.

A great addition to all chinchilla cages is an exercise wheel. Its good for your pets well being and it will keep your friend from getting bored. A hammock is another nice addition for lounging and naps. There are more than enough of different things to add. Try a few of these and just see what your pet enjoys the best.

Your chinchilla needs to stay clean and they like to take baths. They don't like to get wet, so chinchilla dust keeps them clean and keeps their hair soft. When you get ready to get a dust bath house, find one that attaches to the inside of the cage. You will probably want to find one that detaches and is enclosed. You want one that is enclosed so your pet can bathe without getting dust in the air.

The final stuff you'll need is food, water, hay and some chew toys. Enjoy your new pet and your new cage! - 29953

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Basic Information About Cat Cancer

By Moses Wright

Cancer is a significant concern for many cat owners. Cat cancer can significantly shorten the life of a cat. Since not all tumors are cancerous, a cat owner should not panic at the sight of a tumor. However, the cat owner should have a cat with a tumor or any signs of cancer examined by a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Cancer is responsible for approximately fifty percent of pet deaths. Similar to cancer in humans, causes of cat cancer are not well understood.

The signs and symptoms of cat cancer can also be caused by other diseases. Prompt diagnosis and treatment of cat cancer offers the best prognosis for the cat.

Signs of cat cancer include weight loss and persistent and abnormal swelling such as a tumor. Cats with cancer may have a loss of appetite, a wound with discharge, stiffness or lameness, and difficulty swallowing, breathing, urinating, or defecating.

There are many different types of cat cancer. White cats are susceptible to developing skin cancer especially on their ears. Other types of cat cancer include lymphoma, mammary cancer, and bone cancer.

Cancer at the site where the cat received vaccinations has gotten more attention recently. Cancer from vaccines is referred to as Vaccine-associated sarcoma (VAS). If a lump develops anywhere on the cat including where the cat was injected with vaccines, the cat should be examined by a veterinarian.

More common in cats than dogs, lymphoma is a type of cancer that attacks the lymph nodes. Lymphoma is most common in cats with feline leukemia virus (FeLV). Not all cats with lymphoma are feline leukemia positive.

A veterinarian considers the type and severity of the cancer to determine the best treatment for the cat cancer. Blood tests, biopsies, ultrasound, physical exams, and x-rays may be used to diagnose cat cancer.

Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation are methods of treatment for cat cancer. Treatment for cat cancer often includes pain management. Some preventative measures for cat cancer have been identified. Cats, especially white cats, should not spend excessive amounts of time in the sun which could cause skin cancer. The risk of mammary cancer is significantly reduced if the cat is spayed while it is young. - 29953

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Why Guinea Pigs Can Make Good Pets

By Earl Lubrano

There are so many options for pets these days from dogs and cats to more exotic creatures. One ideal option for people with less living space is the guinea pig. Keeping guinea pigs as pets can be fun and enjoyable and guinea pigs can give you much entertainment throughout their lives.

A guinea pig is a small mammal. It is a rodent whose Latin name is Cavia porcellus. They usually measure about ten inches in length and normally weigh about two to three pounds. Like most rodents they tend to be nocturnal. This means they are most active at night although many will adapt to the activity cycles around them and become more active during the day.

Guinea pigs are often quite friendly and outgoing. They are vocal and communicate frequently. If a guinea pig has been handled from when it was a baby they can be quite comfortable around humans. They may show some excitement if they are in a new situation or place but they will often calm down quickly and love to explore new situations. If you are deciding whether a particular guinea pig would make a good pet give it a few minutes to relax and become used to you before evaluating its? personality.

Where They Sleep and What They Eat

Guinea pigs are larger than many other rodents and they need a pen that is also larger than that used for a gerbil, hamster or mouse. A home-made pen will work but you should keep in mind that guinea pigs are rodents and do need to chew. Frequently, they will chew on their cages even if given other items to wear down their teeth on. This could mean that they are able to make holes in their cages very quickly if it happens to be made of wood or other such materials.

Since guinea pigs are very social creatures it can be a good idea to keep a pair instead of a single pig. If you opt to do so you should make sure that they are both the same gender. Two males can sometimes fight. Keeping one of each sex will result in baby guinea pigs once the adults become mature enough to mate and bear young.

Guinea pigs enjoy being kept in pairs although you need to be careful when allowing two guinea pigs to live together. If a same-sex pair is kept it may be a good idea to keep a pair of females so that they don?t fight like males can. If you do choose to keep a male and a female you should be aware that the female can begin to bear young at four months of age.

Food is also something to consider. All guinea pigs should be fed a base diet of good quality guinea pig pellets. Food for other rodents can often have ingredients in the wrong proportions for good guinea pig health or even be missing some important nutrients which can make your pig ill. Guinea pigs love treats of fresh fruits and vegetables. It is better to offer fruit very sparingly since guinea pigs do have a sweet tooth. Wooden chew toys to wear down the teeth are good as are specially formulated rodent treats that are designed for guinea pigs. Leafy greens are an excellent treat but be careful not to feed them too much or they can end up with soft stools. This can lead to health problems.

Guinea pigs as pets are wonderful creatures. They can be affectionate and, with a few key pointers, easy to take care of. If you do, you can have a good friend for years to come. - 29953

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Tips in Selecting an Aquarium Tank

By Leonard Standeley

When buying an aquarium tank, the first thing you have to consider is how many fish you want and what type of fish they are. This will determine the actual size of the tank that you need to buy. The fish you start with may grow to a size that will make your aquarium too small in the future. Be sure, therefore, that the aquarium you get now will be big enough to accommodate all your fish at their full adult size. You then avoid the additional expense and work involved in transferring everything from the smaller aquarium.

Some fish require larger tanks. To determine the proper tank size, follow this simple rule of thumb: for every fish that grows to less than 4 inches, you need one gallon of water for every inch of fish. For bigger fish like the cichlid, you will need at least 55 gallons of water and for the angelfish, 29 or more gallons of water. The bigger the tank, the bigger the capacity to house more fish. The more water in the tank, the more oxygen there will be for your fish.

Size of aquarium tanks vary from two and a half gallons to several hundred gallons. They come in various shapes too: rectangle, round, bow front, hexagonal or cylindrical. If you're a beginner, you might want to buy the prepackaged kit that contains all that a beginner will need to start. This may include the aquarium outfitted already with filter, heater and light. Pick the smaller tanks for starters for minimum maintenance. Just remember, not too small or your fish will not have enough room to be healthy.

Aquarium tanks can be found in both glass and acrylic styles. Those that are glass are less expensive and widely available. The glass will not scratch, but it is heavy. Glass aquariums come in limited shapes. Compared to glass, acrylic is lightweight. The acrylic material allows for a wider range of custom shapes and sizes. They are easier to scratch than glass aquariums, however, and are usually the more expensive option.

Once an aquarium is filled, it can get very heavy. It can weigh 10 pounds for every gallon of water. Be sure that the stand that you put it on is very sturdy and will not collapse under the heavy weight. There are stands, made of either wood or metal, which are specially built for heavy aquariums tanks. They even come equipped with compartments that will hold your aquarium supplies. Aside from the stand, you will also need to get a lid for the tank. Make sure that the lid, sometimes called the "hood" fits your tank properly.

Once you purchase your aquarium tank, place it in your bathtub or backyard and fill it with water. Add your heater, filter, and any other equipment, and plug these items in. Then, wait overnight, to test both the aquarium tank and the equipment. You don't want to add fish immediately only to find out that the tank leaks or your heater does not work. Selecting the proper aquarium tank size and type, and making sure that it is ready for fish before adding them, can ensure that your fish will live a long and happy life in your aquarium. - 29953

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The Importance Of Training Your Dog

By Don De Good

Are you concerned that training you dog will break the bond that you two have established? Do you just accept the fact that you have to keep your dog locked up because of aggressive behavior toward visitors, including your four year old's friends? Do you also accept the aggravating howling and moaning when you take your dog for a walk? Is all of this actually acceptable behavior for a dog? I don't think so I have to tell you that even dogs have an expectation of being mannerly. The people tolerating your dog's misbehaviordo not share your opinion that it's cute when he climbs all over them, or damages doors.

You might think you do not want to exercise the sort of authority required to tell him to behave any better, and that's all quite all right really. Being the owner of a dog doesn't require you to suddenly transform into a whip swinging ring master and you are right in denouncing the pathetic idea of establishing who the boss is when dealing with an animal.

Your problem is that you have the wrong impression of what dog training really is. When we speak about dog training, we are not telling you to try to teach your dog to become human, to submit to human rules. Training is not an exercise to teach your dog that you are superior. What you are trying to achieve through training your dog, is to improve his approachability in social situations, and strengthen the bond that you two already share.

'What's the point of that?' you might ask. Well, here is the thing. Most of us spend the larger fraction of our daily lives toiling in office, drinking our instant coffee, reading those balance sheets. The little time we get with our family and pets we try to merge with some sort of socializing. We go to the park for a stroll on a lovely evening after work, or to a friend's house to watch a movie. If our dogs are unfriendly then on all these occasions we keep it back home, alone, such that in no time it's in no way a part of our life at all.

Now, like human beings your dog too gets lonely, it gets lonely and depressed and awfully sad especially when it's left all alone in a dark house where there isn't anyone to pat his tired little head.

Although you may think that training will be unpleasant for your dog, you are creating a much worse scenario for your pet by avoiding it. With training, you will be able to bring your pet along so that you can both enjoy the companionship.

Your dog will learn to handle itself in it's surroundings through obedience training. You will discover that you will get much more enjoyment out of dog ownership, and your dog will be much happier. You will not need to leave your adored pet at home, as a trained dog can accompany you to more events, and can be trusted to behave among your friends and visitors.

So, show your dog that you truly care by taking it out for obedience training today. Once they learn the magic words: heel, stay, sit, come, down, you and your best buddy will be able to experience much more enjoyable time together. Happy training! - 29953

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Potty Training: Stop You Dogs Mess

By Chad Brooks III

Do you have a new addition to your family in the form of cute, furry puppy? Your pup may be cute now, but not for long if it is continually making mistakes and accidents on your expensive carpet. The most important thing you can do when introducing your pet to its new home is to properly housebreak it. It might not be easy to stop the potty mess, but with patience and perseverance, it can be done.

Most people introduce their pups to newspapers. Usually what is done is old newspaper is laid out on the floor, especially in the area where your pet likes to frequent as his restroom. Also, there are scented drops that may be purchased at any pet store retailer that can be applied to the newspaper. The scent gives off an odor to the dog, so when he must do his business, it will encourage him to use only the newspaper, and not your expensive Berber carpet as his bathroom. Although the newspaper can be used as a training device, it really is only a quick and temporary fix to a puppy messing in the house, and shouldn't be considered for the long term.

A more popular, and proven method to stop the potty messes, for the long term, is to kennel or crate train your puppy. Not only will this teach your pet restraint, but it will encourage him not to mess where he sleeps or eats. Crate training should never, in any way, be used as punishment, but as a method to encourage your pup to hold his business, and create a safe and comfortable space that is truly his own.

Be sure to lay some comfortable old towels or blankets in the crate, along with your pets favorite toys. Introduce your pet to the crate by placing a cookie inside, and securing the gate behind him. Let him become acquainted for about 15 to 30 minutes despite his cries and anguish. When you go to release him, walk with him to the outside area very quickly, and then encourage him to do his business there. Be sure to make a big deal about it when he does his business in the right place. Repeat this several times a day, adding increments of about 15 minutes to his stay in the crate, not to ever exceed four hours. Never stop praising your pet when he does his business outdoors, as positive reinforcement will only continue to encourage him.

Regardless if your dog is a pup, or just needs to be retrained, the process of housebreaking is a fairly simple process. However, it will take awhile and will require patience from both of you. The pay off in the end is definitely worth it. You will have a mess free house, a housebroken pet, and you will both have a better relationship based on your efforts. By training your dog using consistency, love and patience, you really can stop the potty mess! - 29953

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Signs and Symptoms Of Dogs Cushing's Disease-Have You Got A Beagle with A Pot Belly?

By Kate Rieger

What is dog's Cushing's disease? Dogs Cushing's disease is a common problem that affects senior pets, and is caused by overactive adrenal glands. This condition can easily be confused with premature signs of aging in dogs. Cushing's disease symptoms include:

* weight gain * hair loss * urinating in the house * increased consumption of water * increased urination * increase in appetite

Thankfully, this disease is treatable and once treated your dog can live a much longer and healthier life. This condition can be treated at home using homeopathic remedies.

In dogs, Cushing's disease can look like the debilitating effects of aging, so some pet owners may mistakenly consider euthanasia in order to let their pets go peacefully. It is very important to understand when your dog is truly just aging or if they are suffering from Cushing's disease. Your vet can help you determine what your pet is facing.

In dogs, Cushing's disease is usually found in pets that are around ten years old. Cushing's disease is more likely to strike in miniature dogs and in spayed/neutered dogs. Since it can strike just about any dog and there are very few known predispositions for the disease it is sometimes hard to diagnose. Even the physical signs of the disease can be similar to a variety of other health problems.

Because the symptoms are so much like aging it is important to note the symptoms that are more than common signs of aging. These can be extreme drinking(water) as 80-85% of Cushing's dogs will drink 2-10 times their normal amount. Another possible sign is a change in the color of your dog's coat, 85-100% of Cushing's dogs have a change in the skin or coat. 90-95% of dogs will also take on a pot-bellied appearance. By recognizing these signs you can treat the disease and make your dog live longer and more comfortably. Once you suspect the problem, a simple blood test could prove that your dog is suffering from Cushing's.

If Cushing's disease is left to progress without treatment it can lead to even more serious problems such as diabetes, congestive heart failure, failure of the liver and kidneys, and other problems like infections in numerous places on the body. These problems combined with Cushing's disease can prove fatal to your pet. So if you pet is exhibiting any of the symptoms for dog's Cushing's disease and they are over 6 years of age, it is best to take them to a vet right away for a diagnosis. - 29953

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House Training A Puppy, Golden Retriever Puppies Catch On Fast

By Bob Lundgren

Did you know you that potty training puppies, particularly Golden Retriever puppies, can be done within 7 days? In fact, depending upon the age of your dog or puppy, house training a pup can be done in as little as 48 hours. I discovered the house training a puppy techniques and you can too. Just think, no more puddles or treasures waiting for you in the morning or after coming home from work.

Dogs aim to please and only want to do what makes you happy. They can easily learn to understand the pup potty training if you teach them in a way they understand. Pet and dog professionals have established exactly what those training techniques are. When practiced, it leaves you and your puppy totally happy if you work together on your pup potty training. They don't want have any potty training accidents if they know you don't want them to.

Unfortunately, the Internet has tons of information on house training a Golden Retriever puppy and house training dogs. Sadly, so much of the house training a puppy and the potty training puppies info isn't accurate. So many techniques are old school and outdated. For example, rubbing your dogs nose in their potty training accidents and giving them a swat or telling them No, is not the right way for them to learn the techniques of potty training puppies. Unless you've just caught them in the act, they'll only be confused and have no memory of their potty training accidents that are upsetting you.

There's absolutely no way that I could share everything you need to know about house training a puppy in just a few paragraphs, but if you follow the highlighted links, Ill take you to the potty training puppies secrets and Holy Grail of house training a puppy. These proven pup potty training techniques work for not only puppies, but also house training pets in general.

You'll find the truth about the most effective techniques house training a Golden Retriever puppy. Are crate potty training puppies a good idea? How about using puppy pads for potty training puppies? Is it okay to use newspapers on the floor for house training a puppy? The whats the best age to start potty training a puppy? Plus many more truths are revealed.

You'll quickly learn whats best for pup potty training and what not to do. There's proven methods for cleaning up pup potty training accidents so there's no residual smells enticing your dog back to that same location.

There's even information about house training dogs that are older. Its not just about Golden Retriever puppies. Older dogs or rescue dogs can also come with bad behavior habits. However, with the right knowledge, potty training accidents can be avoided with those well meaning pooches as well. From house training dogs to potty training puppies, it covers it all.

Instantly end your confusion with pup potty training and figuring out the conflicting things you've heard about the best way for potty training puppies. Most everyone has their thoughts on house training dogs but few have got it right. Its time to get the facts about house training a puppy.

Think about it for a moment. You'll no longer need to worry when friends or family come over that your cute little puppy might have more potty training accidents and embarrass you. You can thoroughly enjoy your new family member and not have to worry about stepping in messes. Golden Retriever puppies are among the best house training dogs and deserve to learn the easiest and fastest way to be potty trained. Just follow the link to house training a pup bliss. Do it for yourself, do it for your puppy and be free of potty training accidents forever. - 29953

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Horses Have a Language that Humans Can Learn

By Richard B. Saunders

Horses live in their own special world, which overlaps considerably with the human world. They have their own form of communication that is perfectly tuned to other horses, but which is sometimes difficult for some humans to interpret. Horses have a language that humans can learn, but it takes effort and patience.

Horses communicate primarily through body language. They have postures, small gestures, and full body motions that express a range of thoughts and emotions. The horse can use almost any part of his or her body to make a statement, and it is important that humans understand the intelligence that forms the basis of this ability.

Horses can use their ears to express a number of direct statements. Both ears pricked up straight and tense might mean, ?I?m excited,? while both ears twitching back and forth in opposite directions might mean, ?I?m nervous, but not too upset.? Any human working with horses should make the effort to learn the subtle movements and associated behaviors of their horses? ears.

A horse's tail is extremely useful as a flyswatter. However, it can also tell you a lot about your horse's frame of mind. If your horse has a relaxed tail, he is probably pretty content. He may also be bored or confused. If he is holding his tail upright, he may be suspicious or curious. Look at the context for clues as to the meaning. Know your horse well so that you can read his unique body language in every situation.

How a horse moves its legs can communicate a range of emotional states, all the way from skittishness to a dangerous degree of anger. The rearing horse immediately comes to mind as an obvious example of the extreme. This defensive posturing also serves to tell those around the horse of intense internal agitation involving fear and/or anger. Only a fool would not pay a large and powerful animal the respect of backing off until it feels safe enough to calm down.

Watch your horse?s neck and head for clues about his happiness and alertness. Even the body can be used to express feeling. Watch for twitching skin, different breathing patterns, and whether your horse is standing at attention or turned around to pay attention to something to one side (or within). Your horse?s head, neck and body can give you clues as to contentment, anger, jealousy and even illness.

Humans and horses are capable of bonding with each other, and horses are quite able of expressing genuine devotion to those with which they have such a bond. It is because we and horses both belong to the mammal family, and both retain the characteristic tendency towards communicating our inner states, that we can have such a relationship. We people seem naturally wired to look for signs of communication in other species, no matter how subtle, and despite the non-verbal nature of such communication. And so some of us who interact with horses put energy into understanding them.

Every person is different and so is every horse. An intelligent horse has a strong desire to cooperate and to bond with an intelligent handler. Over the centuries, horses and people have developed a symbiotic relationship that can be extremely rewarding. The responsibility of making sure it is so falls squarely on the human. Take the time and have the patience to understand your horse, and you are sure to have a rewarding relationship. - 29953

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Canine Lymphoma

By Moses Wright

Canine lymphoma, also known as lymphosarcoma, is a type of cancer that affects the spleen, lymph nodes, liver, and other organs. Dog lymphoma most commonly affects dogs that are middle aged and older.

Cancer is a legitimate concern for dog owners. One fourth of the deaths of dogs are cancer related. Cancer in dogs claims the lives of fifty percent of dogs over the age of ten.

The cause of canine lymphoma is not known. The symptoms of dog lymphoma depends on what part of the body that the is affected by the lymphoma tumors.

If only the lymph nodes are being affected by dog lymphoma, the dog may develop abnormal swelling. Dog lymphoma affecting the lymph nodes often causes the lymph nodes to harden which can be felt as lumps. The dog with only lymph nodes damaged by the cancer may not experience other dog cancer symptoms.

Vomiting, loss of appetite, diarrhea, and weight loss can be caused by dog lymphoma. Dog lymphoma can also cause lumps on the skin, shortness of breath, and bumps in or near the mouth.

Diagnosing dog lymphoma may involve blood tests or biopsies. While diagnosing dog lymphoma, a veterinarian may also use x-rays or ultrasound. The severity of the dog lymphoma is classified by how many lymph nodes have been affected by the cancer and if the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.

There are five stages of dog lymphoma with stage I being the least severe. If the cancer is only affecting one lymph node, this is typical of stage I dog lymphoma. If the dog lymphoma has spread to multiple lymph nodes, bone marrow, and at least one organ, this is classified as stage IV canine lymphoma.

Chemotherapy is the most common treatment for lymphoma in dogs. During chemotherapy treatment, the dog may receive weekly injections of chemotherapy drugs such as doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide.

Dog lymphoma is a life-threatening type of dog cancer. A dog that has been diagnosed with dog lymphoma and is not receive treatment typically lifts four to six weeks after diagnosis.

The dog may live up to one year after diagnosis if the dog receives chemotherapy for the lymphoma. Dogs been treated for canine lymphoma rarely live more than one year after diagnosis even with treatment.

The dog owner should not feel guilty about the dog's medical condition. Some dog owners may be concerned that they may have done something to cause dog lymphoma. Though the causes of dog lymphoma are not well understood, dog lymphoma is not caused by the actions of dog owners. - 29953

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Is Cat Declawing Inhumane?

By Moses Wright

While declawing has a history of being accepted as part of cat ownership, many question whether cat declawing is a humane practice. Alternatives to cat declawing are now seen as ideal ways to prevent cat scratching.

During the surgery to declawed cat, the and digit of the cat's toes are removed. The veterinarian may opt to to the claw instead of removing the end portion of the cat's toes.

The main reason that cat owners elect to get their cat's declawed is to stop or prevent destructive cat scratching. Some cat owners believe that they must have their cat's declawed to save their furniture and even themselves from getting scratched. A cat owner who gets the cat declawing to stop cat scratching during play may be disappointed when the declawed cat bites since they can no longer use its claws to defend itself.

Cat declawing can lead to complications such as changes in the cat walk which can lead to abnormal wear of the joints and skeletal problems. Declawing leaves the cat defenseless if the cat becomes a stray. Infection of the paw is another possible complication of cat declawing.

A cat that has been previously litter box trained may start to avoid the litter box after being declawed. Recently declawed cats often experience pain while digging in litter box. The cat may associate the litter box with pain and avoid the litter box.

Organizations concerned with the humane treatment of animals promote alternatives to cat declawing. Many of these organizations consider declawing to be in humane.

The cat owner can expose the claws by gently pressing on the cat's paw. Using a regular fingernail clippers, the cat owner can put off the tips of the nail being careful to avoid the pink area of the nail which is the quick. The quick will cause the nail to believe if the quick is cut.

Scratching post can be an effective alternative to cat declawing. If a cat refuses to use his scratching posts, the cat owner may encourage use by rubbing the scratching post with catnip and placing it near where any destructive scratching has occurred.

One of the alternatives to cat declawing is to use vinyl claw covers. These vinyl nail caps glue onto a cat's claws and stay in place for approximately five weeks. Vinyl claw covers come in a variety of colors. - 29953

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Looking for a Cool Pet Necklace for Your Dog or Cat?

By Jim Gregory

Various websites specialize in providing a unique shopping experience for you and your pet. You can find beautiful hand crafted pet necklaces fashioned from various semi-precious stones and crystals. The stones selected are believed to provide alternative healing solutions for ailments such as arthritis and respiratory problems.

The healthy benefits offered from semi-precious stones and crystals were known by the ancient Egyptians and Chinese more than 3,500 years ago. Crystals are created by the natural power of the earth " they are sculpted from the forces of wind, rain, and volcanic fire over the course of thousands of years.

The gems, stones, and crystals used to fashion the pet necklaces are believed to have natural healing power from the core of the earth. When combined with beads, lampwork, and ceramics, the stones and crystals provide an alternative holistic healing solution believed to help with various ailments.

If you are looking for a cat or dog necklace, awesome selections are available. Different pet necklaces have been crafted to match the different holistic needs of your pet - and they are really fashionable!

Fashionable cat and dog necklaces are crafted from the following stones and crystals and provide some great benefits to your pets health:

Amethyst - Relieves stress, helps your pet sleep well, and calms its mind. It is also believed to provide a boost to the immune, respiratory, and digestives systems.

Flourite - Strengthens bones, relieves ulcers, and boosts the immune system. Can relieve nerve pain and discomfort.

Lapis Lazuli - Believed to relieve depression and help the heart and spleen.

Red Coral - Helps to relieve arthritis pain.

There are many healing stones around to use in a pet necklace!

Ease the tension in your pet, have it looking great, and feeling awesome!

Your pet will feel great with the right compliment of healing stones and crystals. It will look fashionable and feel awesome! - 29953

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Never Lose Your Best Friend Again With A GPS Dog Collar

By Adam Webster

The GPS dog collar is a wonderful idea for anyone that finds themselves combing their neighborhood regularly for their lost dog. The technology has advanced and it is not so straight forward one unit transmitting its coordinates to another. People are using the collars to effectively train their animals or they are using the devices to expand on favorite pastimes with their pets.

There are units that can track more than one dog at a time. Yes, they are wonderful for people that have a multiple dog home. But hunters are getting a lot for their money because some of these units can track up to ten dogs at one time.

Training is a long term project with any dog. Just because your dog starts to show signs of success doesn%u2019t mean that you should allow him to roam unattended. Dogs need supervision. The whole point of having a GPS locator in your dog%u2019s collar is to find the dog if he is lost while hoping to never actually having to use it.

There are units that can track two or more dogs at once and there are units that can be programmed to detect when Fido goes past a virtual fence line. The fence line will have to be programmed by you. Once you enter the information, it can be saved, so that you only have to do it once. You can be alerted by a hand held device or even by your cell phone when your dog wanders too far.

Strong rewards for your dog when he stays where he is supposed to be will help him maintain the boundary. Affirmation often works better than punishment and you want your dog to learn to stay close. Should the unthinkable happen and your dog is lured out of his boundary by an animal or an unscrupulous human you will have a better chance of him sticking around if he has been trained to stay within the boundaries.

Using a GPS dog collar does not mean that you should not follow leash laws or allow your pet to wander around unsupervised. However, this can eliminate the electric shock collars that are sold to prevent dogs form wandering off their property. With good, consistent training and the use of this technology, you should be able to train your dog so that they know when they have traveled too far off your property.

If you live in an area where dog fighting is popular or if you own an expensive breed of dog, this GPS collar can help you and the police locate your dog. People have had their dogs stolen right out of their yards. By using the model that will alarm when the dog is taken outside the virtual fence line, you will instant notification that something is amiss.

They do not call them man%u2019s best friend for nothing, we love our dogs and they are a part of our families. A GPS dog collar is truly a gift for you and your little friend will probably love it, too. - 29953

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Your Dog And Other Pets: Encouraging A Peaceful Household

By Kurt Ransone

If your canine has spent little time around other species (i.e. cats, birds, etc.), he may have trouble adjusting to a household in which he's not the only animal. If he was exposed to cats and other pets as a puppy, there is a much higher likelihood that he'll assimilate into an environment with multiple species more easily. Like humans, familiarity plays a significant role in dispelling fear.

Below, you'll learn how to peacefully introduce your dog into a household in which other animals roam. We'll describe some of the warning signs that might suggest future trouble. We'll also provide a few helpful tips you can use to help him make the transition.

Warning Signs Of Potential Trouble

Canines are naturally territorial. They'll protect their area and their belongings jealously if they are unfamiliar with the animals in close proximity. If your pooch exhibits behavior that suggests extreme possessiveness over his toys, bedding, or meals, he is likely to have trouble with other species, especially smaller ones such as cats. The same is true if you notice him persistently chasing small animals when you're walking him. For example, he might launch himself after squirrels or birds.

If he is defiant when he becomes excited, that is another warning sign that he will fare poorly with other non-canine animals within your home. Lastly, observe your dog when he meets other pets on a walk. Some canines will stare at other pets in order to suggest dominance over them.

Making The Introductions

When you introduce your dog to another pet within your home, you should do so slowly and under supervision. If possible, enlist a friend who can help manage the other pet so you can devote your time to managing your pooch. Have your dog's favorite treats nearby in order to reward good behavior.

With the other animal already in a room (and managed by your friend), bring your pooch in. Sit on the floor next to him and issue commands that he knows. The goal is to keep his attention; you want him to become comfortable with the presence of the other animal, but you do not want it to capture his attention. If he begins to ignore your commands, recapture his attention with the treats.

The next step is to have your friend encourage the other animal to move within a small area. At the same time, slowly move your canine a few feet closer to it. This will gradually increase his familiarity with the other member of your family. Eventually, have your friend let the other animal roam freely (as long as it stays away from you and your pooch) while you maintain careful control of your dog. If he does not become excitable, increase his exposure by allowing him more territory over which to walk.

The process by which your dog becomes comfortable around other pets may be a long and tedious one. It takes time and patience to encourage a peaceful household with more than one species living under the roof. That said, the investment will go a long way toward creating a happier family. - 29953

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The Dangers of Worms - They Can Threaten Your Dog's Life

By Mirak Inariv

The dog is a particularly active and a curious animal. They regularly dig around trash and make contact with other animals. Though this may appear fun, folk don't notice this can end up in issues in the well being of the pet.

Once these parasites have entered the dog's digestion, the probabilities of survival are awfully slim. The single thing the owner can do is offer liquids and some medication that will hopefully reinforce the pet's immunity mechanism and hopefully kill the worms. In all instances they present sever problems to a dog's health and a vet must be consulted immediately.

A dog can get hookworms by walking in the garden and once these are on the foot of the pet, these will slowly move within and multiply causing much havoc in the bowel. These often grow from twelve to fifteen and suck on the blood. The dog can die even before this come out in the feces explaining why puppies in this stage in life should be regularly brought to the vet. The person should be advised that this isn't only contagious to dogs but to humans also.

You cannot mistake seeing tapeworms since they are long and sometimes live in the intestines of the animal. These may also be found in the anal sphincter and incorporates fleas that suck on the blood of the animal. This is rubbed out using prescribed medicine since standard vaccination doesn't work.

Roundworms look like spaghetti noodles when they come out of the feces of the dog. Though some may come out, there are still some within that can multiply some more if correct treatment isn't administered. The sole way to battle this is also using prescribed medicine.

Whipworms are a mix of both the tape and the round worm. These are typically found in the bowel area and have an incubation of 3 months before coming out.

Heartworms typically stay close to the heart and only a blood sample can exhibit its existence. It's way better to stop this from taking place since most puppies that are infected die of this illness. The best defense against these parasites will be to bring the dog to the vet and having shots done. These can be acquired without a medical prescription and will be used using the right dose.

At home, the person can start by making sure the dog house or bedding is clean at every point. When a dog is struck by worms, the immunity mechanism may either fight or give up. Lots of dogs will die while those that do survive will have some side-effects that may affect the dog health for the rest of its life. - 29953

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Feed Birds Stale Cat Food

By Moses Wright

Some cat owners like to feed birds stale cat food. Feeding birds stale cat food is a legitimate way to make use of cat food that might otherwise go waste.

Cat owners should avoid using a mesh bag like a bag like those in which onions are sold. Some people have made a practice of placing stale cat food and bread in these mesh bags which can cause a bird to become trapped in the mesh.

The stale cat food can be mixed with birdseed for the birds. For some cat owners, leaving cat food outside may not be a good idea if they live in an area populated with raccoons. Raccoons are attracted by cat food which can cause the property become occupied with a clan of raccoons. This can be a health concern since raccoons can carry rabies.

Cat food that is outside or even inside the home near a door can attract ants. To prevent ants from entering the home, cat owners should try to keep cat food bags closed and off the floor.

Many cat owners are concerned about keeping dry cat food from going stale. Some cat owners are buying a larger bags of cat food and usual in order to save money. However, if the food is wasted as a cat won't eat stale cat food, money could be wasted instead of saved.

A plastic storage container can be used to store the cat food. Storing dry cat food in a storage container can not only keep the cat food fresh, but prevent the food from attracting and or other pests.

If a plastic container is used, it should be washed out with soap and water periodically. This is to prevent the buildup of fat residue from the cat food which can go rancid and contaminate any new food that is added to the container.

Plastic clips that are used to close potato chip bags and keep the potato chips from going stale can also be used in the same way for cat food. Before the bag is clipped closed, the open-ended the bag should be folded a few times.

Cat owners may want to consider switching to canned cat food if a finicky cat is refusing to eat dry cat food that has become the least bit stale. If the cat owner decides to switch to canned cat food, the change should be done gradually to avoid making it cat ill. - 29953

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