Paws or Purrs, You Decide

By James Pynn

Which species makes for a better pet, cats or dogs? Everybody has an opinion. For all of you who say there is a time and place for both, I scoff. If you had to choose one -- which one would it? Let me help you decide by naming off a few pros and cons. Let's start with cats.

Cats, on the one hand, are fiercely independent, require little maintenance, and always keep themselves clean. Most of them can be indoor and outdoor as they tend to remember where they live. As an added bonus, they bring back little gifts -- in the form of dead animals -- and leave them at your door step. They tend to be quiet, keep to themselves, and love intermittent affection.

The feline cons involve tearing up rugs, blankets, carpets and leather couches. They will sharpen their claws on anything and everything. Love your $1000 couch? Say goodbye to it. They shed -- everywhere -- and can be extremely annoying if hungry.

Dogs, on the other hand, love you unequivocally. They're fascinated by you 24/7. They are extremely affectionate, protective, and can be trained to follow commands. There is a reason you never hear of guard cats.

Now, for the doggie downsides. They bark -- a lot. They chew slippers, furniture, tables -- anything they can sink their teeth into. They have to be taken out for walks, and in most municipalities, your have clean up after them. There are few instances more embarrassing than having to carry your dog's misgivings around. Now, personally, I like the hands off approach of a cat. Don't bother me, I don't bother you. Dogs require more time, money, and energy and end up having to visit the vet more often that cats. Good thing I never enrolled in veterinary courses. - 29953

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